Saturday, January 10, 2009

To be a Christian

Here are a few definitions that really have me thinking about what it means to be a Christian.

Christian-believer in Jesus Christ as Savior: somebody who believes that Jesus Christ was sent to the world by God to save humanity, and who tries to follow his teachings and example

Faith-belief in and devotion to God; belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody or something, especially without logical proof;

Nonbeliever- somebody who has no religious faith or beliefs

Sin-to commit a offense or fault of any kind; wrongdoer

What really has been getting to me is the definition for who tries to follow his teachings and examples. I do not normally find myself on a regular basis trying to be more like Christ. More often than not I am thinking of myself...what I want to do...what I like. Do you do that?
I really like Brandon Heath's song "Give Me Your Eyes"'s more of a prayer see with the eyes of Christ.

1 comment:

jordan smith said...

God's revelations in your heart amaze me. for only being thirteen, you're doing awesome things. wel, they're in your heart at least. it's up to you whether you actually do something with it.

i encourage you to do whatever He asks of you. what a gift it is to serve the One and Only God of the universe! rejoice in service and sacrifice!

love you, girl!